Financing Options

Treat yourself now, pay later! We provide convenient payment plans with financing options as low as 0% for qualified applicants via Cherry

How It Works

See how much you're approved for

Start the application process here and follow the prompts to apply. Cherry will run a soft credit check, meaning your credit score won't be impacted.

Book your appointment

If you are approved, find a location near you, schedule an appointment and let your provider know you are interested in using a payment plan with Cherry.

Pay with Cherry

At checkout, your provider will send a checkout link to your cell phone. Click the link to select the payment plan that works best for you. Then, complete your down payment and accept the terms and conditions of your plan.

Amazing product!

You'll have access to Cherry's portal where you'll be able to pay monthly, prepay for the coming month, or adjust your autopay settings. Once you've completed your payments, you can get treated again when it's time.

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